Saturday, November 17, 2007

Where is the CET ki Jai??????

Our college is said to be the best college in Kerala. It is among the top 40 colleges in India. But apart from these numbers, what else is there that makes our college stand out from the rest?? If we ask anyone from Calicut about NIT, we will be hearing a really long story about how NIT is so big, how its fests are so awesome and so on. But we dont get the same response from any Trivandrumite.

CETians are divided into the MH, the DayScis, and the nonMH-nondayscis and not to forget the hostel girls(whom we dont see anywhere for any programme outside this college). The MH have their MH pride, the DayScis whith their pride, the rest have the pride for surviving without any help from either the MH or Dayscis. The best example in our college of this divide is the ISTE+LnD(which is full of dayscis) and the SFI(full of MH). Each has a puppet member representing the otherside.

What is missing here is the all important College pride. Whenever our college wins something over in another college, we usually hear from some friends, and we just shrug and probably say 'ok there's one guy who is doin something.' Its more like that guy won it for himself instead for our college.

We need to make our presence felt in the state in the students scenario. And we need to make our presence felt as a College united, without any Mh or dayscis, etc.

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